

Items Every Homeowner Should Have To Clean Spills

When spills happen and they will, it’s best to know how to take care of them.


Here we share with you some common every day items that every homeowner should be aware and why when it comes to removing spills and spots from your carpet they need to be part of your cleaning supplies.

Important Tip: Blot stains…don’t rub them. Common sense here people, blotting is safer and does not distort the carpet fiber like rubbing. Be gentle.

1) CLUB SODA – Keep club soda handy. The carbonation in club soda helps remove beer and wine spots from your carpet. Get white towel add the club soda directly to the towel and blot up the spill.
2) SHAVING CREME – Try shaving cream. It&rsqu...


The Basics Of Rug Care

Keeping your precious heirloom rugs in good health starts with some basics.

Yes, I said good health.

You see constant foot traffic, dirt, crime and the host of indoor and outdoor elements can make your rug look worn, torn and dingy. Here’s a few tips to care for your rugs.

The basics…


  • Vacuum – vacuuming removes the dirt, dry soil and allergens and keep the rug from wearing out.

  • Brush the pile – this removes unwanted pet hair and keeps the rug looking nice and clean.

  • Turn the rugs – that’s right at least twice a year rotate the rug 180 degrees so that it receives even traffic.

  • Shake the rug – if its small enough you can shake the rug, however if its too big...
